Other studies have shown coffee to bolster short-term memory. 其他研究表明,咖啡可以促进短期记忆。
An experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that long-term memory implies a chemical change in the brain cells while short-term memory involves patterns of impulses in circuits of nerve cells. 科学家们认为长时记忆牵涉到脑细胞的化学变化,而短时记忆涉及到神经细胞里线路的脉冲方式,他们设计了一个试验来验证这个假设。
Short-term memory holds the current series of actions ( also referred as unit of work or in-flight transaction). 短期存储保存了当前操作系列(也称为工作单元或瞬间任务)。
The provider typically holds these objects in a short-term memory region called persistent context in JPA nomenclature. 这个提供者一般会在一个JPA称之为持久化上下文的短期内存区域中保存这些对象。
The server remains stateless as far as database connection and short-term memory are concerned. 服务器在数据库连接和短期内存方面保持了无状态性。
Another core concept for usability is reducing the amount of information the user must keep in short-term memory. 可用性的另一个核心概念是降低用户必须在短期记忆中保留的信息量。
The two experiments here show how short-term memory has been studied. 这里这两类试验都表明了研究短时记忆的情况。
Hunter's results show that rats have a short-term memory of about ten seconds. 亨特博士实验的结果表明大老鼠能有大约10秒钟的短期记忆。
Dr. Hunter studied short-term memory in rats. 亨特博士研究了大老鼠的短时记忆。
The study also found that only about half the Finnish children diagnosed with A.D.H.D.had deficits in short-term memory and self-control. 这项研究同时发现在芬兰被诊断为ADHD的孩子中仅仅有一半有短期记忆和自我控制能力不足的症状。
Elements of social judgment and short-term memory, important pieces of the cognitive puzzle, may peak later in life than previously thought. 社会判断和短期记忆的一些元素是认知能力的重要组成部分,它们达到峰值的时间可能比人们之前认为的更晚一些。
Nor, generally, are they looking for help with short-term memory or puzzle solving. 通常也不是为了解决短期记忆或解谜方面的问题。
It was concluded from this experiment that short-term memory is unlike long-term memory. 这个实验的结论是,短时记忆和长时记忆是有区别的。
Small children and elderly people have a short-term memory power but this differ according to cognitive levels of individuals. 儿童和老人有一个短期记忆能力,这种差异是根据个体不同的认知水平。
Working memory ( or short-term memory) has been described as the mind's scratchpad. 工作记忆(或短期的记忆)已经被描述成是头脑中的一种暂存。
The development of music short-term memory ability receives music educators and instrumental music researchers continuous attention. 音乐短时记忆能力的发展一直受到音乐教育和器乐演奏研究者的关注。
Probably the most common early sign is short-term memory loss. 大概常见的早期症状是短期记忆丧失。
Don't worry. you're not gonna suffer any short-term memory loss. 不用担心,你不会丢失短期记忆的。
His short-term memory was damaged in the accident. 他的短时记忆在事故中受到了损害。
Still some short-term memory loss and spatial processing problems. 还有短暂失忆和空间感失调。
Memory, especially short-term memory, is the essential prerequisite for understanding in the course of listening. 在语言收听过程中,记忆、其是瞬时记忆,是理解的前提。
Time Isolation in Serial Order Short-term Memory and Its Explanation 系列顺序短时记忆任务中时间分离效应及理论解释
These findings reinforce the researchers'hypothesis that sleep is needed to clear the brain's short-term memory storage and make room for new information, said Prof Walker. 沃克教授说,这些研究结果加强了研究人员的假设&清理大脑短期储存的记忆,为新信息留出位置需要睡眠。
My short-term memory would clean itself of this un-needed information. 为什么呢?因为用不着,你的短时记忆就会自动清洗掉脑子里没用的信息。
This study investigated the processing strategies used by beginning, intermediate and advanced learners who are from Korea and Europe, to recognize Chinese characters in short-term memory. 本文主要探讨了以汉语作为第二语言的初级、中级和高级的韩国和欧美学习者在短时记忆中的汉字识别所使用的加工策略。
Basically, stimuli that the learner acquires are placed in an area of memory called short-term memory. 基本上,初学者获得知识的刺激源是建立在一种叫短期记忆的领域中。
Short-term memory plays a key role in a successful interpretation, which is distinctive in consecutive interpretation. 短时记忆能力是口译成功的重要因素,这一点在交替传译中尤为明显。
Even basic phenomena such as short-term memory remain poorly understood. 对于短暂记忆等基本现象的认识也仍然十分匮乏。
Short-term memory permits the learner to hold information briefly in mind to make further sense of it and to connect it with other information that is already in long-term memory. 短时记忆允许学习者在大脑中持有简短的记忆并使其有意义,并将它和已有的长时记忆进行联结。
The short-term memory loss was a result from the concussion. 短期失忆是由于震荡导致的。